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“The Ace About Town” Series-Featuring Kari Fisher

So what did I do this weekend? I went to an Atlanta Braves game with the family (the Fashionista looked uber cute in her Braves cap), drove around the neighborhood  in our new golf cart (Yes, it finally arrived and now Mr. B. can drive 10 miles 100 feet to the tennis...

A Wonderland of Design Inspiration-“The Ace About Town”

Is lateness a sign of genius? I think so. Truth be told, I'm late for everything. Why? Because, I always lose track of time...I was late for school, (thanks, Mom you started it!), late for dates, late for dinner, and late for my own wedding. Where does the genius come...

My Weekend “Mall-cation.”

My Weekend “Mall-cation.”

There is nothing like spending a vacation with family, i.e. a sister that babysits. A sister that drops you off at your favorite shopping Mecca for a seven hour "Mall-cation," while she bravely spends the day with the Fashionista. I was in "Blogger Bliss" at one of my...

The Whimsical World of Charlotte Mann

Who in the world is Charlotte Mann? Well if you live in Great Britain, you've probably heard of her. A former fashion designer, she creates intricate (and that is an understatement) murals on white walls turning them into impressively elaborate masterpieces. I first...

The Wonderful Wallcoverings of Clarke and Clarke (Part 2)

A slight change of plans for the weekend, the Fashionista and I were off to meet Mr. B. for a brief weekend of sun and fun over Father's Day. P.S. She had two pieces of her Barbie luggage packed full of stylish resort wear, all matched perfectly with 14 pairs of...
